Launching beta-test for updated 2GDrive tool: report problems!
UPD1: progress indicator fixed (compact)
UPDATED: Baidu support!
It has no file limit (1Tb) for links (Plz use it gentle just 1-2 big files per day).
ATTENTION: To process Baidu and unlimited Mega file – you NEED to enter CODE number
Ask me for CODEs in comments, if you want to beta-test it…
To transfer file from Baidu you will need:
BaiduExporter plugin
1 Download plugin
1 Install plugin (see github Install section)
1 Run plugin ( “about:debugging” + load manifest.json in FF)
2 go to Baidu page (where target file is)
3 wait for page is fully loaded
4 press the “down arrow marked button” (the 1st from the left it has “xx下载” name)
5 in dropped down list select the 2nd row (below ARI2 RPC , same “xx下载” name)
6 in opened ARIA2.. window press the 1st button from the left (with “..aria2..” name)
7 save aria2.down file to disk
8 open aria2.down file in text editor
9 go to Baidu2GDrive tool page
10 enter CODE
11 paste the copied text (aria2.down file contents)
12 press rotating button (or press enter)
13 wait till download+upload finished
NB: some Korean or Japan file names can be converted (and some stay original don’t know why) to something like “eee85436fdc490937837d15d2565597c..” (i.e. symbols encoding) so you need to identify them by file size(!)
NB: sometimes Baidu download can be interrupted, you will see somthing like this:
“Status Legend:(OK):download completed.(ERR):error occurred. aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted. If there are any errors, then see the log file. See ‘-l’ option in help/man page for details.”
Then you need to retry the request redoing all(!) actions above starting from 2). I.e. you need to regenerate the new aria2.down file and feed it to the Baidu2GDrive tool again!
NB: download can be slow 50kiB/s – 300 KiB/s (average), uo to 3-4miB (if you’re very lucky)
So it will take long time!