Sticky: App for Android

Well guys, lets support this work and this site, just give it a 3-minutes to install an app (enter Google-Play-Market and search 4sashi and install it, You’ll possibly found it useful or funny! Anyway you can delete it immediately after setting a rating (of 5stars maybe 8)

So don’t walk by, if you like or use this site – just do it like a little donation (is free and just needs a few time from You!)

Thanks in advance!

Now available on Google Play. Get it on Google Play device

Getting involved

Write a comment and tell us about your experience with the app.

Sticky: Guess Who: Kpop iDol: iPad app released!

[click to enlarge]

–>BTW: app UPD:  with turning off Random & switching to latest RSS and selecting Tiffany – You can now follow latest ImgGrapher & fiddle pics!


Finally (thanks to one of our readers!) we did release the iPad app!

2readers: Plz put a rating! This will help a lot (reviews are counted in some monitors showing new/price drop apps). I know there are a lot of  readers here, if You like the site just download it on your (or friend’s 8) iPad!

Just search “Kpop iDol” in App-store!

It is both Guess Who Game – To test your Idols knowledge plus a full screen (+zoom+swipes) pic browser. You can choose from a lot of Idols (we can add if someone is missed).

P.s. Don’t forget to swipe, double-tap, edit Idols list and change random mode on-off (in settings) !




And to celebrate it:

Just download it and put 5* in review – gaining both [ViP] status & more gifts (like jps invites, etc.)!

I’m sure You’ll find it useful!

Also any feedbacks and ideas are welcomed! (GIFTs included 8)